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“The Best Neck Muscles In A Supporting Role”

As I sit here watching the Oscars with friends the Tip of the Week for “The Best Neck Muscles In A Supporting Role” is:

I suggest everyone get up often when watching TV and move. Sitting for long periods of time in the same position can cause your muscles to get stuck together. This can put painful tensional patterns into your body. At the movies, avoid sitting in the bottom rows or too close to the screen. If your head is tilted back for the length of the film you can almost count on a “stiff” neck. “OUCH!”

Reader Comments (1)

In the viniyoga tradition, the best "counterpose" for anything that strains the neck is a forward bend. So in addition to getting up often when watching TV, you might want to bend over and let your head relax. It can be very comfortable to bend over and let your head rest on the couch.

March 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnita Boser

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